Thursday, May 2, 2024

Oh, What a Beautiful Day! (- minus some frustrations)

The Ridge

On Thursday, May 2nd I woke to the promise of a lovely day coming our way. With a forecast high of 20C/67F and no rain, I was looking forward to it. It was 7:20 when I woke up realizing that I had to go in to town this morning to clean. It doesn’t take long to wash and get dressed so I made my tea and was on my way just after 7:30. I didn't take any pictures this morning, reading on you will see why. 

Bill was working on removing the old cover when I returned from town

One customer was all I encountered and he was there for another 10 minutes before he folded his laundry and left. I worked the hour, collected my pay that Sandy left in the office desk, and went to the bank to deposit it before heading for home. Bill had texted and said that M’s phone had died (again) and could I stop on my way home.

This afternoon I had a little bird centre going on

I don’t mind helping to a certain point but I’m no saint. It is getting old, his need for help. After getting the tenant set up, I was hoping for a few quiet days with no ‘calls for help’. Not so. I wanted to work at home with Bill and see what we could accomplish on this rare spring day. Bill said to do what I needed to do and get back as soon as possible. So, I went back and took M to Hanover’s Bell store. That was like kissing 2 hours of my life goodbye and with no resolve.

folding the old cover for the garbage
Gibbs is trying to help but doesn't
quite get the hang of it. 💖

I won’t go into it other than we both left very frustrated – me especially. I dropped him off and came home for a late lunch (again) with Bill. I went back once more to try and get through to Virgin Plus to see what they suggested about his phone but without passwords and pin #’s (inconveniently forgotten) you can’t talk to a real person. I let him call another ‘runaround friend to set up pickups over the next 3 days, to run him into town. We’re having company and I’m NOT available.

The new shelter cover.
I wonder how long it will last.

Back home, I blew off steam to my sweetie’s ears and felt better. What a gorgeous day to be missing! Bill had cleaned up all of the piles of branches he cut yesterday and got the hose and bottles down in the pond for our pump set up. I helped a bit with the new cover for our shelter and then filled bird feeders to our feathered friends. 😊 I still haven’t boiled hummingbird food but will tonight. There is an orange on the oriole feeder so hopefully they will make an appearance soon. We had lunch and I finished my leftover quesadilla.

Oh my, the sun felt so good!

I didn't need it for the heat but the crackling
was calming. I needed that.

Then we sat with a drink outside and Bill burned some cardboard and paper in the pit. It feels great to be in shorts again! Tomorrow and for the next 3 days the rain returns but we are hopeful it won’t be a complete washout for the weekend.

The bird feeders hung for the birdies with care

Can you believe it?
There is hardly any wind on the Ridge!!!♥♥♥

Bill had a package delivered today
and the helper was right there with him

What did we get, Daddy?

Supper was good. Bill’s Burgers, he had his on a burger bun and I cut mine and had it in my last keto hotdog bun. It worked well! We had canned pears for dessert for a change. I was happy that although had a natural sugar content, they weren’t too sweet.

A good supper

The sun has been perfect all day, not too hot, not humid at all and although Bill saw a number of little black flies this morning, they were gone by afternoon. He plans on going to the Hangar tonight and will watch 9-1-1 down there and I’ll watch it up here. 😊 This has been a fine day up here on the Ridge.

I cleaned the outhouse today
and wanted to share this sign with everyone.
I got it from Aunt Mary's yard sale. 😀

The clouds moved in before sunset
and created a pretty soft glowing sky.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

An Expected No-Show (the sun), Dinner with Family

The Ridge

On Wednesday, May 1st we were expecting one of the most beautiful days yet. Temperatures were to reach 20c/68F today and mostly sunny. I saw blue sky out my window when I woke but it sure didn’t last long. By 8 Bill said ‘where did the clouds come from?’ It was still a dry day, one to get out and do things. I was very surprised and, dare I say, thrilled when my toe/foot was not bothering me! Woohoo! 😊

Last night's sky
Good morning!

I knew I’d be on it a lot today so for safety’s sake, I took a couple of Advil with my morning tea. Bill and I went outside around 9:30 and while he did his thing, I brought out the last two bins of my garden ornaments. I wanted especially to get the oriole feeder out as they are in the area not too far from us. While working and walking back and forth, I felt light headed so told Bill I was coming inside to lay down.

My daffodils are enjoying the day

Gibbs joined me up on the bed for maybe an hour and when Bill came in, I felt much better. Strange, I’ve been doing all the things to prevent this dizziness. I contacted M about taking the second copy of the lease over and taking pictures of the empty apartment for later use. It was 11 :15 when I drove around the corner. His tenant arrived around noon and M had asked if I would stay and meet him and handle the ‘secretarial’ part of the lease.

This tree was overloaded with apples last fall
This may slow them down a bit but hopefully it still
produces some.

I was back home before 12:30 just hoping it all works out. He seems like a decent young man. We had lunch and then all 3 of us went down the end of the lane and Bill used his chain saw to cut the low hanging branches from the apple tree. It was quite drastic but one large one had dropped considerably after a storm last fall and was not going to recover. He cut, I dragged them out of the way and Gibbs supervised from any shady spot he could find.

Our supervisor enjoyed the day too.

We quit around 2:00 and came up. Bill and Gibbs moved inside for their snooze and I finished emptying my garden stuff. 

Look at the smile on that man's face. 💓

All set for summer

After our showers, we left Gibbs in charge and drove to meet my 3 sisters and their hubby’s for a birthday/anniversary supper in Mildmay. 

The drive to Hanover 

This was the place
and my meal.
Chicken quesadilla - yummy

The Wing House is a new dining experience for all of us and it was not a disappointment. It seemed a long time we waited for our meals but once it arrived, it was delicious. I’m not sure what time it was when we left but the sun was just dropping below the horizon, indicating that it was after 8. Donna and Cathy get free spring water at a park outside of Mildmay so we went there before leaving the area. 

Introductions please..........
L to R
Gerry, Donna, John, Cathy, her Bill, Gayle, Patsy, my Bill

Donna and Gerry drove so we picked up Ptooties at their house and said our goodbyes. Gibbs was happy to see us, running out to piddle and running back in for his kisses. 😊 We had a really nice evening.

The spring water place and the family
takes advantage

This was a good day all around. I even have some leftovers and although I broke my low carb rule, I thoroughly enjoyed my quesadilla. 😊

Looking behind us, I watched the sun set.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.